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Be Confident, Fit & Safe


Reality Based Self Defense

Krav Maga is the #1 Reality Based Self Defense System in the world that consists of only the most practical methods to get you home safely.  No, this is not a sport / traditional martial art  with rituals, ceremonies or katas. Our unique scenario based training will prepare you to defend against surprise attacks, multiple attackers, attacks with weapons and more.

You will leave each class feeling empowered, with increased confidence, in overcoming the daily pressures of life's challenges. Also, our combat fitness drills will give you a natural energy boost and keep you extremely fit. Best of all, our methods are not based on one�s age, size, strength or athletic ability. 

 We understand that anyone can be a victim.  We also know, first hand, that everyone can learn ways to increase their overall safety with our methods. 

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Private And Group Personal Training

Personal training may be a good option for those with busy schedules, or just to fit one's personal training style. Either way, we can develop a custom program tailored to meet your needs.

We offer a variety of private and group training location options which consist of training at our location, a location of your choice and even in the comfort of your own home!

 Be certain that you can expect the same high quality training that is purely designed for results! 
Yes, we are serious about making our local community safer and we are prepared to do so, one individual at a time.

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Women's Special Defense Tactics

If you are bored with exercise machines and have little desire to step foot into another aerobic class, it's time to give your fitness routine a punch!  Our mission is to empower you to fight back through self-realization of your own physical power. 

This is not a cardio kick boxing class, but, a women's self defense class that empowers you to fight back through the self-realization of your own physical power. Our boot camp style training will assure that you are extremely fit , confident and deadly.

Even if you have never threw a punch before, our methods will prepare you to handle a much bigger, stronger male attacker. The training will also help you eliminate any thoughts of being vulnerable, build self -esteem and  control your emotional well being.  

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Special Seminars And Workshops

At Self Defense NJ we are available for special seminars, workshops, demos and more.  Over the years we have been invited to train the US military, Advanced Blackbelts, JCC, Youth Groups and more. We can also design custom programs for college bound students as well as bully prevention seminar. Contact us for more info.

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Bully Prevention

When a kid gets bullied  90 % of the time they are too embarrassed to share this with their parents.  This is a parents worst fear. Our Kids Self Defense / Bully Prevention Program helps school aged kids develop the necessary skills to avoid and prevent themselves from being bullied. The program also gives them the added confidence knowing that they are prepared to defend themselves if needed.  Other benefits include increased attention and focus, self-discipline and respect for others.
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