Krav Maga New Jersey Self Defense Specialist

Krav Maga  NJ - Self Defense - School - New Jersey


Complete Krav Maga Book
Recommended Reading

  Krav Maga NJ Specialist!

New  Program!
Krav Maga Westfield NJ


What is Krav Maga?


What Is CKM?

277 North Ave, Dunellen NJ

Is MMA Self Defense? read

Krav Maga Ground Fighting

"We Teach You  How To
Get Home Safely

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Krav Maga 101
No matter what size, age or level of strength, this complete system is the ultimate personal protection system You Need!  We
prepare You for those hidden dangers
 lurking in your everyday travels. 
We Are NJ 's
Self Defense Specialist!


Weight Loss - fitness - New Jersey - NJ

Why Self Defense?

• 1 Violent Crime every 23.1 seconds
• 1 Murder every 32.6 minutes
• 1 Forcible Rape every 5.6 minutes
• 1 Robbery every 1.3 minutes
• 1 Assault every 36.9 seconds
• 1 Property Crime every 3.1 seconds
• 1 Burglary every 14.7 seconds
• 1 Larceny/theft every 4.5 seconds
• 1 Motor Vehicle Theft every 25.5 seconds


Featured In
Black Belt Magazine


Krav Maga is not a sports style of martial art, rather focusing on real life self-defense and hand
to hand combat situations.
Along with this, it emphasizes stopping threats quickly and getting away safely.
In order to safely deal with threats, brutal attacks to vulnerable parts of the body like the groin, eyes, neck, and fingers are taught.
Further, the use of available objects, in essence turning them into weapons, is also encouraged.
read more..



Be Fit!
Be Aware!
Be Prepared!

Krav Maga Technique

1 FREE  Week !
Call An Instructor NOW! 

Start Your Training Today!


Krav Maga is Real Self defense
No MMA Karate Tae Kwon do or
Jui Jitsu But reality fighting
like commando krav maga now in
NJ New jersey - quick weight loss
not from fad diets atkins diet or
south beach diet but healthy weight
loss with fitness and self defense

Self Defense NJ TV - Watch Now!

Commando Krav Maga Technique



Special Fitness Offer

Krav Maga

The Human Weapon

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Why Reality Based Self Defense?
Human predators have developed keen skills to catch their victims by surprise. Their specialty is violent, life threatening relentless attacks. To survive violent attacks you need real, no nonsense self defense!  You don't have years to train to learn how to survive a random attack!   You need something you can use TODAY! Come experience the SDNJ difference TODAY!!

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Commando Krav Maga Certification

Want Private Lessons?

Private lessons are now available to meet most schedules. Get the added benefit of private, personal training and see how quickly your skills and fitness level develop!
Click Now For Free Trial Class!

he most devastating fighting  system in the world!"


Beware Of Human Predators!

   The human predators view their unsuspecting victims as prey. Men, women and children are all vulnerable to attack.
   How can one to stay on constant alert and be equipped with the skills to survive the random
 acts of violence that occur every minute of every  
 hour?  read



We only stand by the merits of our own system based in NJ. We do not endorse any false claims made by any other system. SDNJ has many advisors representing various, deadly, systems of self defense. We instruct, conduct seminars, invite guest instructors to visit, lecture, perform demonstrations and look to be invited to visit others. We have an open door policy for others to come share and enlighten. No, we don't Blog.. we prefer to share.... first hand!


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Krav Maga is Real Self defense
No MMA Karate Tae Kwon do or
Jui Jitsu But reality fighting
like commando krav maga now in
NJ New jersey - quick weight loss
not from fad diets atkins diet or
south beach diet but healthy weight
loss with fitness and self defense